The Pilot Boat Inn

The Pilot Boat pub was The Admiral Benbow of the North West. The odd Smuggler would stray in from time to time, regaling tales to the locals, driving fear and excitement into their hearts. Legends, folklore, ghost stories and history come to life as you depart on an intriguing Tour through 400 years of haunted history.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

The Pirate Ghost of New Brighton


At the Bottom of Magazine Lane in New Brighton once stood the New Brighton College which is now part of Vale Park. Visitors to the area in the early 20th Century often reported seeing a man dressed in Privateer style clothing with Buckled Boots and a Tricorn hat. He could be heard with a sound of coins jingling as he walked the bottom path  before Vanishing through the Shelter Building. This served as a warning to locals, if you heard the Jingles, run for your life.

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